Consulting & Education

We are often asked if we provide consulting and education to groups and individuals.  Yes, we do!

We have been requested to provide education to Department of Child Safety, Office of the Public Guardian, TAFE Queensland, Queensland Police Service, Department of Disability Services, Prison Mental Health, Primary Health Network (PHN), QLD Health and TAFE QLD.  We have been engaged twice by the National Disability Service, to provide state-wide education to support and raise the standard of the disability sector.  


Psychosocial Recovery Coaching (PCR) & Mental Health

Having worked at The Park Centre for Mental Health (Wacol) we have a wealth of experience supporting individuals who have been subject to the Mental Health Act 2016, Classified Patients and people in our community experiencing acute mental ill-health.  This includes forensic and high secure units, medium secure, prison mental health and community mental health.  Our education guides staff to understand the expectations of the NDIA about the PRC role, recovery planning and record keeping.  This resource includes clear information about the differences between a Supports Coordinator & Recovery Coach as well as best practice guide for PRC/organisations and supporting people with mental ill-health.  We also have worked for peek mental health bodies including the QLD Mental Health Commission and Mental Health Review Tribunal.  Please contact us regarding our availability to support your team to better understand and support NDIS participants with a psychosocial disability.


Guardianship, QCAT and decision making

Our other popular education package is regarding “Guardianship: Working alongside the Office of the Public Guardian”.  This training has been very popular because it explains guardianship, the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT), making an application to QCAT, what to expect at a hearing, guardianship orders and tips for support coordinators/PRC.  We have also included a sample email to the OPG (which is a real example with names changed) which your staff could use as a guide. We have unique experience having worked on both sides of the sector (OPG and as a SC/PRC) and therefore understand the challenges of both roles.  This is an informal training session which would be beneficial for new managers and those seeking to understand guardianship, QCAT, substituted decision making and the Human Rights Act 2019.


Restrictive Practices and Positive Behaviour Support

Restrictive practices is often a topic that many service providers and support staff have difficulty understanding especially legislation and implementation of Positive Behaviour Support Plans.  Inspire Connect’s Director and co-founder, Anne Jenkins, was formerly a Principal Guardian within the Positive Behaviour Support Team at the Office of the Public Guardian.  For 10 years, Anne made complex decisions about the use of restrictive practices in relation to adults with impaired capacity across Queensland.  This included assessment of Positive Behaviour Support Plans and their implementation in accordance with the legislation.  Anne regularly provided advice to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal about the use of containment and seclusion, the most restrictive forms of restraint in relation to a behaviour of harm for an adult with impaired capacity. Please contact us if you are wanting to ensure that your organisation has a better understanding of restrictive practices, meeting legislative requirements and successful implementation a positive behaviour support plan.  This course can be adapted to managers, team leaders and/or support staff.


Mental Health Peer Support and Recovery Planning

We have extensive experience managing a team of lived experienced workers, successfully providing peer support to mental health patients within Queensland Health Services.  We provide advice about recruiting and implementing a lived experience work force to better support Psychosocial Disability NDIS participants.  Our experience includes contributing to the Queensland Health Peer Workforce Framework and being invited to provide advice to the National Mental Health Commission regarding the development of the National Peer Workforce Guidelines.  We have developed our own Recovery Plan based on our experience supporting people with mental-ill health in forensic, high secure acute and mental health settings.  We are currently developing education which focuses on a strengths based approach, recovery planning, supporting staff to better engage and build rapport with clients experiencing mental-ill health. 


1:1 Coaching and Mentoring

Our services also include professional practice supervision to individuals and organisations especially new managers.  This includes individual support regarding developing their management style, working through HR issues, complaints handling, legislation, implementing best practice, time management and understanding the complexities of the NDIS.  We hold qualification in practice supervision in addition to mentoring for Southern Cross University.  We currently provide practice supervision to several organisations across the country and facilitate a national Facebook PRC discussion group. Our rate for practice supervision is $250.00 per hour (plus GST).  We have flexible times and there is no minimum number of sessions required. Please contact us for more information.


Students and work placements (practice experience)

We are very supportive of students either at TAFE or university wanting to enter the disability and mental health sectors.  We have limited availability to support students, we therefore encourage you to contact us early on, to arrange a discussion about how we can support you with work placement. Depending on your TAFE/university, we may already have a work placement agreement in place,  to support your learning and development. 


Inspire Connect understands that Support Coordination is a complex role that involves a number of skills. We provide Traineeships to successful applicants whereby we will support you to complete a Certificate III in Community Services with a Registered Training Authority while providing you on the job development opportunities and employment.


More Services

Specialist Support Coordination

We are registered to provide specialist support coordination which is an option for participants with multiple support needs, in crisis or involvement in justice systems.


Recovery Coaching

We provide support to participates with a psychosocial disability focusing on building capacity, resilience and developing a recovery plan to maintain wellness.


Speak with us today.

Talk with one of our team today and hear if our services can assist you.